Afghanistan Emergency Appeal - Help the Helpless

In Afghanistan, United Muslims is deeply involved in providing crucial assistance to those affected by recent earthquakes and the ongoing influx of returnees facing unprecedented hardships. Our efforts are directed towards supporting individuals and families grappling with the dire consequences of these disasters, including the lack of basic necessities such as shelter, food, clean drinking water, and access to medical care. Our mission in Afghanistan is multifaceted, aiming not only to provide immediate relief in the form of food supplies, clean water, temporary shelters, and medical aid but also to support the long-term recovery of these communities.


Join Us to Avert a Humanitarian Catastrophe!

Recent earthquakes in Herat province, Afghanistan, have exacerbated the plight of its residents, already struggling with decades of conflict, food insecurity, and economic hardship. Currently, a third of Afghanistan’s population is uncertain about their next meal. With over 6 million internally displaced people in Afghanistan, the need for comprehensive support is dire. At this critical moment, United Muslims appeals for your generous donations to our Afghanistan Emergency Appeal. Your support is crucial in providing a lifeline to those facing a winter of uncertainty and hardship. Please donate now to help us continue our lifesaving work and stand with Afghanistan in its hour of need.

There’s an urgent need for humanitarian assistance for millions of Afghan children. In mountainous villages, families are going to great lengths to protect their children from intense cold. Torn tents provide scant protection against the freezing nights and fierce winds, forcing fathers to dig into the hard earth, hoping to carve out a safer haven for their kids, while mothers and grandmothers struggle to erect tents that might offer a semblance of shelter against the harsh elements. In desperation, some families are forced into unthinkable choices, like selling organs or their children, just to get the essentials. The World Food Programme (WFP) has described this situation as the “worst humanitarian crisis on earth.”

This call for help also echoes for 1 million Afghan returnees. With already over 6 million internally displaced persons within Afghanistan, those returning from Pakistan are stepping into an uncertain and precarious future. This period is often referred to by families as a “countdown to zero,” a time when the long Afghan winter can isolate entire communities as snow blocks the roads, making it impossible for humanitarian groups like United Muslims to reach them. Our efforts to provide for families arriving at the border with just the basics for their journey cannot continue without your generous support. These families are returning at a dire time, facing a future in a country where a third of the population is unsure of their next meal.


The Situation in Afghanistan

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Living Under Poverty
Poverty afflicts over 90% of the country, making humanitarian aid essential for more than half of Afghanistan's population.Presently, 40% of Afghanistan's population is experiencing severe food shortages, ranking as the fourth highest rate of acute food insecurity globally.

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Years of Drought
A range of natural disasters, including floods, earthquakes and periods of severe drought, are intensifying the challenges faced by its people. These events not only inflict immediate harm and loss of life but also worsen existing conditions of poverty and vulnerability.

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Decades of Crisis
Now entering its fifth decade, the crisis in Afghanistan stands as the most prolonged in the Asia and Pacific region. Remarkably, women and children, who constitute 80% of those in dire need, are the most affected.

What happens when you donate to Afghanistan?

Daytime temperatures are nearing zero and plummeting further after dark. Your donation provides insulated shelters, solar panels, warm clothing, and heating fuel to protect families who are at risk of hypothermia. Give today and help them survive this winter.
With a regular monthly donation, you can offer continuous support and protection to Afghan refugees, helping restore their hope for a brighter future. Such consistent contributions enable us to assist more families seeking refuge offering them a chance to rebuild.
Over 1 million children are in danger due to shortages of food, water, and medicine, while more than 22 million individuals are grappling with a food crisis. Your donation is playing a crucial role in preventing malnutrition-related deaths among these vulnerable children.
Around 220,000 families in the western provinces of Afghanistan are residing in temporary shelters that cannot withstand strong winds and cold. Your donation enables us to provide a family-sized tent, offering shelter to families who would otherwise face the elements under the open sky.
Your donation supports our efforts to distribute vital health supplies amid growing outbreaks of dangerous diseases. By providing sanitation supplies and emergency health kits, you are giving millions of women and children crucial support to combat health challenges daily.
Facing a food crisis that affects over 22 million people, your contribution supplies emergency food and clean water, stopping mothers from having to drug their hungry children to sleep due to a lack of food. Feed the families struck with natural disasters and never ending conflict in the region.

Every Donation Ignites Hope


September 17, 2024

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September 15, 2024

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September 13, 2024

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September 7, 2024

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Entering its fifth decade, the crisis in Afghanistan stands as the most prolonged in the region

Afghanistan is currently navigating through an intricate web of challenges that span over four decades, encompassing prolonged conflict, deep-seated poverty, climate-induced adversities, and significant obstacles to the advancement and participation of women in public life. The aftermath of the political transition in August 2021, coinciding with the cessation of extensive bilateral development cooperation, has severely intensified the nation’s intrinsic vulnerabilities. This includes a scarcity of employment opportunities for its urban and rural populace, further exacerbating the economic fragility.

Despite a notable decrease in active conflict, the country primarily remains a scene of a protection emergency. This is characterized by sustained levels of protracted displacement, the menace of mines and explosive remnants of war, limitations on freedom of movement, an escalated risk of gender-based violence, prevalent child labour and early marriages, alongside a growing demand for mental health and psychosocial support services.

In the backdrop of the international forces’ withdrawal, Afghanistan’s plight continues to be influenced by geopolitical and regional dynamics. Notably, 2023 has seen the return of 1.9 million Afghans, including over 471,000 from Pakistan since mid-September. Concurrently, the adverse effects of climate change have ushered in a pervasive water crisis, further straining the already tenuous food, health, and nutrition situation. Positioned on numerous fault lines, the nation’s susceptibility to earthquakes remains high, with nearly 400 occurrences in the past year alone, including three significant tremors in Herat Province, amplifying the urgent need for shelter solutions.

The latter part of 2023 witnessed a significant influx of undocumented Afghan returnees and refugees from Pakistan, prompted by policy changes affecting an estimated 1.3 million Afghans. This surge in returnees has exerted additional pressure on border points and stretched the resources of host communities thin, highlighting the acute need for augmented humanitarian assistance. The educational sector faces its own set of challenges, with 1.4 million girls excluded from secondary education and overall low literacy rates, underscoring the persistent and critical need for educational interventions.

Looking ahead to 2024, it is projected that approximately 23.7 million individuals, accounting for more than half of Afghanistan’s populace, will be in dire need of humanitarian assistance. The precarious state of the Afghan economy, heavily dependent on humanitarian aid and remittances, is further compromised by the exclusion of women from the economic sphere. Restrictive policies continue to obstruct women’s access to essential assistance and services, adversely affecting engagement with the international community and potential donor contributions. 

“If anyone relieves a Muslim believer from one of the hardships of this worldly life, Allah will relieve him of one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection. If anyone makes it easy for the one who is indebted to him (while finding it difficult to repay), Allah will make it easy for him in this worldly life and in the Hereafter, and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah helps His slave as long as he helps his brother.” Muslim: 2699

Afghanistan’s history of pervasive conflict has led to multiple displacement waves, both within its borders and internationally, while recurring natural disasters have necessitated further displacement. The compounded impact of displacement, returnee influx, and the ongoing climate emergency, with Afghanistan enduring its third consecutive year of drought conditions following the worst drought in three decades, necessitates a comprehensive and coordinated humanitarian response. At United Muslims, our priorities include food aid, access to safe drinking water, healthcare provision, education support, and addressing acute water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs. Protecting vulnerable groups, particularly women, girls, boys, and individuals with disabilities, is paramount, encompassing the provision of safe spaces, legal aid, psychosocial services, and initiatives aimed at fostering long-term resilience.

Support Afghanistan: Help Needed for the Displaced and Returning Citizens 

An Afghan father said, “We survived the earthquake, but now we face the battle of living without a home, food, or water. Our children are cold and hungry. We need help.” At this critical moment, United Muslims appeals for your generous donations to our Afghanistan Emergency Appeal. Your support is crucial in providing a lifeline to those facing a winter of uncertainty and hardship. Please donate now to help us continue our lifesaving work and stand with Afghanistan in its hour of need.

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