Palestine Emergency Appeal – Donate Now & Save Lives Today

The situation in Palestine, particularly in Gaza, is dire and demands immediate action. Families are facing unimaginable hardships, with limited access to basic necessities like food, water, and medical supplies. The ongoing conflict has only exacerbated the suffering of innocent civilians, including women and children, who are bearing the brunt of this crisis. There is no time to waste, your donations are the only hope. Support our efforts to deliver urgent relief to Gaza and save lives today.


A Call for Humanity and Solidarity!

Over 2 million individuals, including 1.7 million Palestine Refugees, are suffering the catastrophic consequences of the recent upsurge in violence in the Gaza Strip. Civilians are losing their lives as the international community stands by. The bombardment persists. Families are being uprooted on a vast scale. Essential supplies for survival are dwindling. Access for humanitarian aid remains blocked. Now is the time for action. Let us come together in solidarity for humanity and deliver the desperately needed aid to those most in need. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of thousands. Please consider donating today to help us bring hope and relief to those who are facing unimaginable hardship.

In Northern Gaza, our teams face harrowing scenes of death, destruction, and mass displacement as they offer medical aid, shelter, and basic necessities. The impact of this crisis on the children of Gaza is particularly heartbreaking. The psychological trauma of living through repeated conflicts and the pervasive sense of insecurity can have lasting effects on their mental health and well-being. It is a grim reality that no child should ever have to face. The Gaza Emergency Appeal seeks to provide immediate and sustained assistance to the people of Gaza. The appeal focuses on several key areas: providing medical aid and support to hospitals, supplying essential items such as food, water, and hygiene kits, and offering psychological support to children and young adults.

This appeal is not just about alleviating immediate suffering; it is also about fostering a sense of hope and dignity among the people of Gaza. It is about showing them that they are not forgotten, that their struggles are seen and heard, and that there is a world out there that cares. The success of the Gaza Emergency Appeal depends on the generosity and compassion of people around the world. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of those who are suffering. It is a chance for individuals and communities to come together, transcending borders and differences, to offer a helping hand to those in need.


The Situation in Gaza

33,000 >

Palestininas Martyred 
Gaza's daily death toll averages 250, surpassing any recent major conflict's fatalities. This figure doesn't even account for additional deaths from hunger, disease, and cold as the conflict approaches its 180 day.

13,500 >

Children Martyred
Childhood is being displaced and killed in Gaza. More than 13,500 children have been killed and more than 8,000 are injured.

85% >

Population Displaced
Nowhere safe to go. Safe shelters, places of worship, schools and hospitals are being bombed, forcing people to live in the rubble in open air.

What happens when you donate to Gaza?

As winter deepens, individuals displaced from their homes are confronted with freezing temperatures. Your contribution can supply them with blankets and essential items, offering warmth and survival through an exceptionally brutal winter amidst ruins.
Children in Gaza are enduring a living nightmare. Your donations enable us to offer vital psychosocial support sessions for Palestinian children and their parents, helping them cope with the trauma resulting from the continuous conflict. A sigh of relief.
In Gaza, pregnant women are going without enough food, and newborn babies are at great risk. By donating, you can help save mothers and their infants, providing them with the food, medical care, and safe spaces they need during this critical time.
Gaza is experiencing the most severe hunger crisis in the world today, a dire situation created entirely by human actions. By contributing, you're ensuring these families receive bread and hot meals, offering essential support to those in urgent need. Every penny counts.
Gaza is grappling with a critical water and sanitation emergency. Children's health is in jeopardy due to shortages of water and power. Your donations are vital in providing clean drinking water to many Palestinians, helping to alleviate this urgent need.
People in Gaza are confronting a dire 'triple threat' of ongoing conflict, rampant disease, and malnutrition. With diseases spreading quickly across the region, your donation becomes a critical lifeline. It enables the provision of emergency aid and hygiene kits.

Every Donation Ignites Hope


September 17, 2024

Amount Donated

September 15, 2024

Amount Donated

September 13, 2024

Amount Donated

September 7, 2024

Amount Donated

Palestine, the Beating Heart of Muslim Ummah.

Amid the tragedy and devastation, the people of Gaza embody the profound significance of faith. In the face of overwhelming adversity, where global powers have overlooked their profound suffering, they steadfastly turn to their faith, seeking solace and support in Allah. They hold firm in their belief that through their trials, Allah is their unwavering supporter, trusting in His promise that hardships will absolve sins, patience will be infinitely rewarded, and those lost will find honoured places in the afterlife.

Palestine resonates deeply with Muslims globally, its sacredness amplified by recent devastating events in northern Gaza, revealing deep-seated wounds in the collective Muslim psyche. This land, enriched by the footsteps of prophets and home to Masjid al-Aqsa, the first direction of prayer and the site of Prophet Muhammad’s ascension, holds an indelible place in Islamic history and hearts.

Currently in Palestine and Gaza, the population is engaged in a struggle for justice and demonstrating resilience against aggression, marking a significant period in their history. The actions of Palestinian Resistance Groups and the people of Gaza have become central to the Islamic world, reflecting principles that are important across different communities. Their efforts have had a wide-reaching impact, affecting not only the Islamic community but also broader societies, including non-Muslims. The determination and endurance shown by the people of Gaza have inspired widespread support across the Islamic world, particularly at a time when many Islamic nations are dealing with the aftermath of external interventions and conflicts. Despite facing challenges from external powers, Gaza’s resistance is seen as a beacon of hope, highlighting the common challenges faced by the Islamic community and encouraging unity in addressing these issues. This has fostered a sense of solidarity and collective action against common challenges, showing the strength of unified efforts despite external pressures.

For Muslims committed to living according to the Quran, it’s essential to reinforce our collective resolve by understanding and disseminating the narrative of Palestine and supporting its resistance through all possible means. The Islamic community is experiencing a resurgence of vitality not seen in recent decades, significantly energised by the spirit and resilience of Gaza.

And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan and the captive” (76:8)

Our Gaza emergency appeal is a call to action for the international community to seek long-term solutions to the underlying causes of the crisis in Gaza. It is a plea for dialogue, understanding, and concerted efforts towards peace and stability in the region. The people of Gaza deserve more than just survival; they deserve a future where they can thrive and live in dignity.

In conclusion, the Gaza Emergency Appeal is a testament to the power of human empathy and solidarity. It is an opportunity for us to show our support for the people of Gaza, to help alleviate their suffering, and to work towards a future where peace and justice prevail. Let us respond to this call with the urgency and compassion it deserves, and stand in solidarity with those whose lives hang in the balance.

Support Gaza: Stand with the Spirit of the Palestinian People

Right now, we’re concentrating on getting essential supplies to the people of Gaza to support them through this humanitarian crisis. United Muslims is dedicated to rebuilding Gaza after this ordeal, leading sustainable development and humanitarian projects. We aim to provide education and job opportunities, critical medical help, and the psychological support Gaza’s children will need to recover.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by direct donations.

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