Purifying Wealth: Donating Interest (Riba) Funds

Explore a path to purify your earnings by donating interest money, deemed Riba and thus impermissible in Islam. United Muslims offers a platform for Muslims globally to contribute these funds towards charitable causes, aligning financial practices with faith.

The Prohibition of Riba

Islam explicitly prohibits Riba, defined as any guaranteed interest on loaned money. This prohibition ensures fairness, discourages debt, and promotes charity over material gain. Riba, or interest, represents a significant concern for Muslims striving to align their financial dealings with Islamic principles. 

Our Activities

Purification through Charity

United Muslims offers a meaningful pathway for you to purify your finances by directing funds earned through Riba towards charitable endeavors. This transformative process not only converts prohibited earnings into crucial support for individuals facing adversity but also ensures your financial practices reflect deep-seated ethical and spiritual principles. By contributing your Riba earnings, you participate in a cycle of positive change, turning a source of potential spiritual detriment into a tool for communal uplift and benevolence, thereby realigning your assets with the values of compassion and generosity advocated by Islam.


Transforming Riba into Charitable Impact

United Muslims acknowledges the challenge many Muslims face with unintentional Riba. We offer a platform where these funds can be redirected towards meaningful, halal charitable projects. Whether it’s supporting emergency relief, aiding underprivileged communities, or contributing to healthcare and educational programs, your donated interest helps fuel positive change.

This approach not only aligns with Islamic directives but also ensures that your act of giving back empowers and supports various humanitarian initiatives. While the origin of these funds may not comply with Islamic teachings, their transformation through charity facilitates community development and personal growth, adhering to the principles of Sadaqah and creating a cycle of continuous benefit.

What is Riba?
Riba, often translated as usury or interest, refers to the practice of increasing wealth through loans that charge excess or interest, specifically in transactions dealing with money or goods. It is strictly prohibited in Islam, as highlighted in the Quran: 

O believers! Do not consume interest, multiplying it many times over. And be mindful of Allah, so you may prosper.

Why is Riba Haram?
The prohibition of Riba is clear in Islamic law due to its exploitative nature, leading to inequality and unfair advantage. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned against Riba in strong terms, as reported in a Hadith: “Avoid the seven deadly sins: associating anything with Allah, magic, killing one whom God has declared inviolate without a just case, consuming the property of an orphan, consuming usury, turning back when the army advances, and slandering chaste women who are believers but indiscreet.” (Bukhari & Muslim). Riba is considered haram because it undermines social justice and leads to significant economic disparities.

Transforming Riba for Community Welfare
United Muslims facilitates the conversion of Riba-earned funds into meaningful community support. Here’s how your contributions become a beacon of hope:

    • Feeding Programs: The funds previously earned through Riba are now channeled into providing essential food supplies to impoverished families. This shift turns potentially harmful earnings into lifelines, ensuring those less fortunate receive the nourishment they desperately need.
    • Emergency Relief: Your donations become part of a critical response mechanism, offering immediate assistance and supporting long-term recovery in areas hit by calamities. This reflects the Islamic principle of community solidarity, particularly in times of crisis. 
  • Educational Support: By redirecting Riba earnings, you support educational initiatives offering scholarships and resources to underprivileged youth. This contribution aligns with the Islamic emphasis on knowledge and its power to change futures.

The Impact of Redirecting Riba
By choosing to redirect funds typically considered haram within Islamic finance, you adhere to ethical guidelines while fostering substantial societal benefits. This action not only aligns with Islamic teachings but also transforms a source of potential wrongdoing into a catalyst for positive community development.

In doing so, you contribute to a constructive cycle of growth and support, reflecting the core Islamic values of compassion, equity, and communal responsibility. United Muslims ensures that these redirected funds are utilised effectively, creating opportunities and providing aid where it is most needed, paving the way for a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

Support United Muslims: Give your Riba to us  with 100% of your donations directly funding our initiatives.

Since its founding, United Muslims has ensured every donation goes to its projects, covering any credit card fees. For example, if a $100 donation drops to $97 due to fees, the organization adds $3. This strict separation of project and operational funds ensures full public donation utilization.


Every Donation Ignites Hope


September 17, 2024

Amount Donated

September 15, 2024

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September 13, 2024

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September 7, 2024

Amount Donated

Managing Your Interest (Riba) Contributions

Interest (Riba) can be channeled towards a significant portion of our activities at United Muslims. Beyond providing essential food and water to the needy, we engage in sustainable projects across the globe. These initiatives encompass healthcare services, educational opportunities, livelihood assistance and mental health services, all aimed at uplifting some of the world’s most impoverished communities.


Questions? Ask!

We at United Muslims are expert in calculating Riba for entrepreneurs & investors who need help in understanding their Riba obligations and ensuring that your contributions are both Sharia-compliant and tailored to the unique financial situations of your business. Fill in the form below and we will be in touch!

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Interest Riba FAQS

Donating interest earnings helps cleanse your wealth by removing the Haram (forbidden) element and supporting charitable causes.
Yes, it’s encouraged to dispose of Riba through charity, helping purify your earnings and benefit the community.
United Muslims offers a straightforward platform for you to contribute your Riba earnings to various charitable projects.

While specific allocations may vary, United Muslims ensures your donations address urgent needs, maximizing the positive impact.

Donating Riba does not affect your Zakat obligations; it’s a separate act of purifying your wealth.
Donating Riba does not affect your Zakat obligations; it’s a separate act of purifying your wealth.
Absolutely, donations from all individuals are welcome and appreciated, supporting inclusive community welfare.

Your donated Riba funds are utilized in humanitarian projects, directly aiding those in need and funding essential services.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by direct donations.

Copyright © 2024 United Muslims. United Muslims is a trademark of Bridge of Unity Foundation. We’re a registered charity recognized under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.