Embrace the Blessed Month: Ramadan 2024

Join us in welcoming the sacred month of Ramadan, a time of profound reflection, prayer, and community giving. This period offers unparalleled opportunities to amplify the impact of your deeds through spiritual rejuvenation and acts of charity. Embrace this blessed month with us, enhancing your connection to faith and humanity.

Reflecting on Ramadan

Ramadan, celebrated as the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is deeply significant for Muslims worldwide, commemorating the period when the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It’s a season dedicated to fasting, reflection, and spiritual renewal, prompting individuals to intensify their faith and extend compassion towards others. The essence of this month lies in self-discipline, increased devotion, and the practice of giving, reinforced by teachings from Hadiths and Quranic injunctions. Believers are called to reevaluate their lives under the lens of Islamic virtues and to cultivate a deeper connection with the divine through charity, prayer, and fasting. 

Our Activities

Embracing Generosity in Ramadan

This time encourages a shift from individualism to collective responsibility, urging Muslims to partake in acts of kindness and empathy. Let the spirit of Ramadan motivate you to contribute positively to your community, turning acts of charity into gateways for spiritual enlightenment and communal unity. Through such contributions, Muslims not only follow the prophetic path but also weave a stronger fabric of societal cohesion and mutual respect.


Amplify Your Impact This Ramadan

The significance of Sadaqah, or voluntary charity, escalates during the holy month of Ramadan. This period emphasizes the importance of generosity and community support, reflecting the spirit of empathy and brotherhood in Islam. By giving to those in need, Muslims purify their wealth, cleanse their hearts, and contribute to societal harmony, embodying the essence of Ramadan. 

Ramadan is an honourable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied in it. The best charity is that given in Ramadan. (Al-Tirmidhi)

This hadith underscores the heightened rewards for those who seek to alleviate the hardship of others during this sacred month. Engaging in charitable activities during Ramadan, such as feeding the hungry, supporting orphans, or aiding the impoverished, transcends mere philanthropy—it becomes an act of worship and spiritual fulfilment. Let this month of generosity inspire you to open your hearts and extend your hands to those in need, allowing the divine blessings of Ramadan to transform your spirit and actions. By contributing to the collective well-being of the community, you not only adhere to the teachings of Islam but also foster a stronger, more compassionate society.

In the blessed month of Ramadan, the act of giving transcends the ordinary, transforming into a profound expression of faith and empathy. Across the globe, our Muslim brothers and sisters in regions like Palestine, Syria, and Afghanistan have faced unimaginable hardships due to ongoing conflicts, natural disasters, and economic instability. The challenges of recent years have magnified their struggles, making the need for generosity and support more critical than ever.

As we observe this sacred time, let’s remember the teachings of Islam that emphasize the virtue of charity, particularly during Ramadan. The Quran states, ‘The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills’ (Quran 2:261). This verse not only highlights the rewards of giving but also reminds us of the exponential impact our contributions can have.

This Ramadan, let’s channel our efforts into alleviating the suffering of those in desperate need. Whether it’s providing iftar meals to those who are fasting under the shadow of hardship, offering shelter to families displaced by conflict, or supporting education for children in war-torn areas, every donation can make a significant difference. We at United Muslims, offer a comprehensive platform where you can not only donate towards most pressing causes but also fulfil other obligations related to Ramadan: 

Pay Your Fidya this Ramadan: A Second Chance for Your Ramadan Fast

Fidya represents a compassionate provision in Islam for those unable to fast during Ramadan due to health issues or age. If this Ramadan finds you unable to observe the fast, your contribution towards Fidya serves as a way to fulfil your religious duty while aiding those in need. This act ensures that even when you’re not fasting, you can still partake in the spirit of Ramadan by providing for the less fortunate. Learn more and contribute on our Fidya page. 

Kaffarah: Rectifying Missed Fasts this Ramadan with Purpose

Kaffarah offers an opportunity for redemption if you’ve intentionally missed or broken a fast during Ramadan without valid reason. It’s about more than just making amends; it’s a chance to transform an oversight into support for someone in dire need. By contributing to Kaffarah, you uphold the sanctity of Ramadan while extending a helping hand to those less fortunate. Discover how your Kaffarah can make a difference on our dedicated page.  

Pay Your Zakat-ul-Fitr this Ramadan: A Gift of Unity Before Eid

Zakat-ul-Fitr is a unique form of charity specifically associated with the end of Ramadan, acting as a purification for those who fasted and offering an opportunity for all to celebrate Eid on an equal footing. This obligatory act ensures that everyone, regardless of financial status, can enjoy the festivities of Eid. By donating your Zakat-ul-Fitr through United Muslims, you contribute to this beautiful expression of Islamic solidarity. Find out how to fulfil this duty on our Zakat-ul-Fitr page. 

Best Time to Pay Your Zakat: Purifying Wealth, Empowering Lives

The giving of Zakat, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, becomes even more impactful during Ramadan. This annual purification of wealth is not only a personal act of faith but also a tool for social change, directly aiding those in need. As you reflect on your blessings this Ramadan, consider fulfilling your Zakat through United Muslims, where your contributions can have life-changing impacts. Visit our Zakat page to calculate and contribute.  

Sadaqah: The Spirit of Generosity in Ramadan

Sadaqah, or voluntary charity, is especially significant during Ramadan, a time when acts of kindness and generosity are greatly rewarded. This Ramadan, let your Sadaqah be a testament to your compassion and commitment to helping others. Every contribution brings relief and support to those in need, echoing the true spirit of the holy month. Extend your generosity further by visiting our Sadaqah page.

Ahlan Washelan Ramadan 

As we immerse ourselves in prayer and fasting, let’s also dive deep into the spirit of giving. Reflecting on the hardships faced by Muslims worldwide should ignite our compassion and spur us into action. This Ramadan, your contributions are more critical than ever. They represent hope, relief, and solidarity. United Muslims invites you to be part of this global movement of kindness and mercy. Your donations are a lifeline, a beacon of light for those engulfed in the darkness of hardship.

Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One above the heavens will have mercy upon you. (Al-Tirmidhi)

Together, let’s make this Ramadan a turning point for many. Let your charity be the reason someone smiles, the reason a hungry child is fed, and the reason a family sleeps peacefully. Remember, in the eyes of Allah, no act of kindness is too small, and the rewards in Ramadan are boundless. Let’s embrace this chance to make a meaningful change and affirm the ties of brotherhood that bind us all.”

This expanded content aims to stir hearts and encourage generous donations, highlighting the urgent need for support while anchoring the call to action in Islamic teachings and the spirit of Ramadan.

Support United Muslims: This Ramadan, give your charity to us  with 100% of your donations directly funding our initiatives.

Since its founding, United Muslims has ensured every donation goes to its projects, covering any credit card fees. For example, if a $100 donation drops to $97 due to fees, the organization adds $3. This strict separation of project and operational funds ensures full public donation utilization.


Every Donation Ignites Hope


September 17, 2024

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September 15, 2024

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September 13, 2024

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September 7, 2024

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Managing Your Charity Contributions this Ramadan

Your donations according to their specific nature can be channeled towards a significant portion of our activities at United Muslims. Beyond providing essential food and water to the needy, we engage in sustainable projects across the globe. These initiatives encompass healthcare services, educational opportunities, livelihood assistance and mental health services, all aimed at uplifting some of the world’s most impoverished communities.


Questions? Ask!

We at United Muslims are expert in calculating Zakat, Firana & Kaffarah for anyone who needs help in understanding their religious obligations and ensuring that your charitable giving is both Sharia-compliant and tailored to your unique situation. Fill in the form below and we will be in touch!

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Ramadan FAQs

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. It commemorates the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Muslims fast during Ramadan to fulfil one of the Five Pillars of Islam, to cultivate self-discipline, to cleanse the soul, and to empathize with the less fortunate. Fasting is seen as a way to physically and spiritually purify oneself.

Yes, if you miss any fasts due to legitimate reasons such as illness or travel, you can make up for them at a later time. If you are unable to fast at all due to chronic illness or old age, you may fulfil your obligation through Fidya.
Fidya is a charitable donation made when a person is not able to fast during Ramadan due to valid reasons, like illness or pregnancy. It typically involves feeding a needy person for each day of fasting missed.
Kaffarah is the compensation required for deliberately breaking a fast during Ramadan without a valid excuse. It involves fasting for 60 consecutive days or feeding 60 needy people for each day of fasting that was intentionally missed.
Zakat-ul-Fitr should be paid before the Eid al-Fitr prayer. It is meant to purify those who fast from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy.
Absolutely, giving Sadaqah (voluntary charity) is highly encouraged during Ramadan. Acts of generosity and giving are believed to be rewarded manifold in this holy month.
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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by direct donations.

Copyright © 2024 United Muslims. United Muslims is a trademark of Bridge of Unity Foundation. We’re a registered charity recognized under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.