

Zakat, a cornerstone of Islam’s five pillars, represents an act of worship through ‘purification’. By donating a portion of your assets to the needy, you cleanse your wealth and earn Allah’s favor.



Sadaqah embodies a voluntary, altruistic deed, open to all Muslims for the greater good. It involves giving willingly to aid others, with the reward being safeguarding against unforeseen events.
Sadaqa Jariyah​

Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah represents an enduring benevolence, embodying a charitable contribution whose benefits persist long after the initial act itself, thus continuously imparting goodness across generations.



Aqiqah, deeply rooted in Islamic tradition, celebrates a newborn’s entrance into the world through a sacrificial offering of livestock. This act symbolizes profound gratitude to the Divine, marking the joyous occasion of welcoming the child into the Muslim community.



Fidya is a religious compensation mandated in Islam for individuals who are unable to fast during the holy month of Ramadan due to valid health reasons. This practice involves feeding the poor or needy as a meaningful way to fulfill their spiritual obligation.



Kaffarah represents a prescribed Islamic expiation for certain transgressions or deliberate omissions in fulfilling religious duties, requiring specific acts of charity, fasting, or feeding the poor to sincerely atone for these shortcomings or violations.



Lillah is an Islamic term for charitable donations made solely for the sake of Allah, without seeking any reward or recognition. These contributions are directed towards supporting religious projects, aiding the needy, and reflect a selfless act of generosity.


Interest (Riba)

In Islamic finance, redirecting riba (interest) earnings to charity, without seeking spiritual reward, is advised to purify wealth. This issue addresses the prohibition of interest, emphasizing ethical disposal to benefit society, not personal gain.

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