Lillah: The Enduring Gift of Charity

Lillah embodies the spirit of pure benevolence in Islam. Dedicated entirely to Allah’s cause, it signifies our commitment to support, uplift, and nurture the community with unconditional love and generosity. Discover the essence of Lillah, a form of charity that transcends the immediate needs and fosters sustainable development.”

Empowerment through Pure Giving

Every contribution marked as Lillah is channeled into long-term developmental projects that aim at improving infrastructure, education, and healthcare in impoverished communities. Unlike Zakat, Lillah is not bound by specific requirements, allowing us to use these funds where they are needed most, ensuring lasting impact and ongoing benefits.

Our Activities

Building Foundations, Fostering Futures

Your Lillah donations go towards promoting Islam, building and renovating schools, and wells—infrastructures that stand as beacons of hope and progress. By investing in the community’s future, Lillah paves the way for self-reliance, education, and spiritual growth, echoing the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about the virtues of continuous charity.


Lillah: It is Simply for Allah

Lillah, in its essence, is charity given purely for the love of Allah, with no expectation of reward or repayment from the beneficiaries. It represents a Muslim’s selfless dedication to aiding the Ummah and contributing to the welfare of humanity. This form of charity is deeply encouraged in Islam.

Lillah donations are utilized in a variety of ways, primarily focusing on projects that have long-term benefits and that support the infrastructure of Muslim communities worldwide. This could include building mosques, which serve as centers for worship and education; establishing schools, which enlighten young minds and nurture future generations; and creating healthcare facilities, which ensure the well-being of the community.

Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of giving in secret and seeking only Allah’s pleasure, which aligns with the nature of Lillah donations. These contributions are a reflection of a believer’s faith and sincerity, acting as a continuous charity that benefits the giver even after their lifetime.

By contributing to Lillah, donors are not only fulfilling an act of faith but are also laying down a foundation for sustained community development and spiritual reward. It is an investment in the collective future of the Muslim Ummah, embodying the true spirit of giving as taught by Islam.

The Transformative Power of Lillah

Empowering Communities through Lillah: Lillah contributions play a pivotal role in empowering communities and driving sustainable development. At United Muslims, every Lillah donation fuels initiatives aimed at creating long-lasting impact — from sponsoring orphans and advancing educational programs to uplifting impoverished neighborhoods through infrastructural development.

Educational Endeavors: Your Lillah donations enable us to provide quality education to underprivileged children, equipping them with knowledge and skills for a better future. By fostering educational environments, we not only combat illiteracy but also open doors to new opportunities, shaping leaders of tomorrow.

Promotion of Islamic Values: Lillah funds help in spreading the peaceful and compassionate message of Islam. Through various outreach programs, we aim to enlighten hearts and minds, promoting understanding and harmony within diverse communities.

Supporting the Vulnerable: Your contributions support orphan sponsorship programs, ensuring that the most vulnerable members of our society receive care, love, and security. Lillah makes it possible to bring immediate relief to people struck by wars, natural disasters and occupation. 

Ripple Effects of Your Generosity: Imagine a well built from your donation providing clean water to an entire village or a school funded by your generosity educating hundreds of children. These are not just projects; they are lifelines sustained by your Lillah contributions, creating ripples of change that reach far and wide.

Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, pay their zakat, and fear none (but for Allah) will visit and preserve Allah’s mosques.

By contributing to Lillah, you’re not just donating; you’re investing in the future of entire communities and embodying the compassionate spirit of Islam. Let your charity be the beacon of hope for those in dire need and a testament to your faith.

In this heartwarming journey of giving, let us unite under the banner of Lillah to make a significant, enduring difference in the world. Your generosity is a powerful catalyst for positive change, embodying the spirit of brotherhood and compassion that Islam teaches us.

Support United Muslims: Give your Lillah Sadaqa to us with 100% of your donations directly funding our initiatives.

Since its founding, United Muslims has ensured every donation goes to its projects, covering any credit card fees. For example, if a $100 donation drops to $97 due to fees, the organization adds $3. This strict separation of project and operational funds ensures full public donation utilization.


Every Donation Ignites Hope


September 17, 2024

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September 15, 2024

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September 13, 2024

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September 7, 2024

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Managing Your Lillah Contributions

All our activities at United Muslims qualify for Lillah. Beyond providing essential food and water to the needy, we engage in sustainable projects across the globe. These initiatives encompass healthcare services, educational opportunities, livelihood assistance and mental health services, all aimed at uplifting some of the world’s most impoverished communities.

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Who we are

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Lillah FAQs

Lillah is a voluntary charity without specific beneficiaries and can be used for broader purposes, unlike Zakat, which has defined rules and specific categories of recipients.

There is no minimum; any amount contributed with sincerity is valued in Lillah.

Yes, Lillah contributions are often used for long-term projects such as sponsoring orphans, building mosques, schools, and other community services.

Besides helping the community, Lillah purifies wealth, brings blessings to the donor’s life, and earns them rewards in the hereafter.
Typically, Islamic charities or local mosques manage Lillah funds, ensuring they are used for projects in line with Islamic principles.
Yes, unlike Zakat al-Fitr, Lillah can be donated at any time and is not limited to Ramadan.
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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by direct donations.

Copyright © 2024 United Muslims. United Muslims is a trademark of Bridge of Unity Foundation. We’re a registered charity recognized under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.