Lillah: Everything is for Allah

Indulge in the true spirit of Islamic giving with United Muslims and become a part of something that benefits the whole Muslim Ummah, with unconditional love and generosity. With Lillah, we do everything for Allah.

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Empowerment through Pure Giving

At United Muslims, we utilize all donations collected and marked as Lillah in our long-term developmental projects that are designed and structured to improve infrastructure, education, and healthcare in some of the most impoverished communities around the world.


Our Activities

Building Foundations, Fostering Futures

Your Lillah donations go towards promoting Islam, building and renovating schools, madrassas and orphanages, as well as building water wells and purification plants to help communities progress and live a better life. Lillah is for everyone and everything that brings hope, prosperity and betterment in the lives of people. Unlike Zakat, Lillah funds are not bound by specific requirements, and therefore used when and where most needed.


Lillah: It is Simply for Allah

Lillah, in its essence, is a charity given purely for the love of Allah. This form of charity is deeply encouraged in Islam and is also very dear to Allah since the giver gives with no expectations of reaping tangible rewards or repayment from the beneficiaries. Unlike Zakat, Fidya or Kaffarah, that are mandated and circumstantial, Lillah is an act of complete selflessness. The charity given for Allah has endless rewards in this life and the life hereafter; may Allah accept our good deeds.

Lillah is not a modern name for charity, it has a deep-rooted importance in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of giving in secret and seeking only Allah’s pleasure. These contributions reflect our faith and sincerity, and the unquestionable love for Allah and his beautiful creation. The act of continuous charity benefits the giver even after their lifetime. We consider Lillah as an investment in the collective future of the Muslim Ummah and as a way of earning spiritual rewards.

Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, pay their zakat, and fear none (but for Allah) will visit and preserve Allah’s mosques.

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The Transformative Power of Lillah

Lillah donations are utilized in a variety of ways, primarily focusing on projects and initiatives that have long-term benefits and are sustainable in nature. Lillah funds are also used to fund our emergency appeals as and when needed. Most commonly, Lillah donations are used in building or renovating mosques, madrassas, rescue centers, orphanages and healthcare facilities. We also use them for clean water projects to build water wells, hand pumps, and water purification plants. Everything done through Lillah is for the collective benefit of communities without any discrimination.

At United Muslims, Lillah contributions fund and fuel everything that we do. They play a pivotal role in empowering communities through continuous funding and sustainable development. Here are the few areas where your Lillah contributions are making lasting impacts in the lives of people:

Educational Endeavours: Your Lillah donations enable us to provide quality education to underprivileged children, equipping them with knowledge and skills for a better future. By funding our education programs, you not only help us combat illiteracy and poverty but also offer opportunities to the young minds who can be the leaders of tomorrow.  

Promotion of Islamic Values: Lillah funds help in spreading the peaceful and compassionate message of Islam. Through various outreach programs, we aim to spread Islam by conducting lectures, celebrating Islamic events and distributing Quran and books on the teachings of Islam.  

Supporting the Vulnerable: Your contributions support widow and orphan sponsorship programs, ensuring that the most vulnerable members of our society receive care, love, and security. Lillah makes it possible to bring immediate relief to people struck by wars, natural disasters and conflicts or wars. 

Ripple Effects of Your Generosity: Imagine a well built from your donation providing clean water to an entire village or a school funded by your generosity educating hundreds of children. These are not just projects; they are a legacy that would benefit the generations to come. We welcome you on our platform and urge you to donate generously to our Lillah fund so we can collectively uplift the Muslim communities around the globe and make this world a better place to live.

Support United Muslims: Give your Lillah donations to us with 100% of your donations directly funding our initiatives.

Since its founding, United Muslims has ensured every donation goes to its projects, covering any credit card fees. For example, if a $100 donation drops to $97 due to fees, the organization adds $3. This strict separation of project and operational funds ensures full public donation utilization.


Every Donation Ignites Hope


March 3, 2025

Amount Donated

February 26, 2025

Amount Donated

February 23, 2025

Amount Donated

February 23, 2025

Amount Donated

Managing Your Lillah Contributions

All our activities at United Muslims qualify for Lillah. These initiatives include healthcare services, educational opportunities, livelihood assistance and mental health services.


Questions? Ask!

We at United Muslims are expert in calculating Zakat for entrepreneurs & others who need help in understanding their Zakat obligations and ensuring that your charitable giving is both Sharia-compliant and tailored to the unique financial situations of your business. Fill in the form below and we will be in touch!  

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Who we are

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Donation Homepage

Lillah FAQs

Lillah is a voluntary act of giving without specific beneficiaries and can be used for broader purposes. Zakat is mandated for all financially able Muslims and has defined rules and specific categories of recipients.

There are no restrictions on Lillah donations; any amount contributed with sincerity

Yes, Lillah contributions are often used for long-term projects such as sponsoring orphans, building mosques, schools, and other community services.

Besides helping the community, Lillah purifies wealth, brings blessings to the donor’s life, and earns them rewards in the hereafter.

Typically, Islamic charities or local mosques manage Lillah funds, ensuring they are used for projects in line with Islamic principles.

Yes, unlike Zakat ul Fitr, Lillah can be donated at any time and is not limited to Ramadan.

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Our 100% Donation Policy means that every cent you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by direct donations.

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Copyright © 2025 United Muslims. United Muslims is a trademark of Bridge of Unity Foundation. We’re a registered charity recognized under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.